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ChatGPT vs Google Bard: What’s the difference? A Head-to-Head Comparison

Are you curious about the latest advancements in language models? In this blog post, we have tried to compare two powerful AI models that push the boundaries of natural language generation. Check out our comparison to understand the these two tools in a better way.

perm_identity Mehala   •   June 12, 2023
auto_awesome General

Technology Trends That You Should Never Miss in Real Estate

Stay informed and equipped to navigate the ever-changing landscape of real estate with these essential trends.

perm_identity Mehala   •   May 25, 2023
auto_awesome Development

Industry 4.0: How Technology Is Revolutionizing the Manufacturing Industry

With the rapid advancement of technology, Industry 4.0 is reshaping the way businesses operate, enabling automation, data exchange, and smart manufacturing. It's a game-changer that brings together cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, and big data analytics.

perm_identity Mehala   •   May 18, 2023
auto_awesome General

How prop-tech transforms the Real Estate Industry

Traditional real estate techniques are a prolonged process. Sometimes, human predictions in property valuation can be inaccurate, costing the owner money. The tedious documentation process, professional sale advertisement, and property management are time intensive. 

perm_identity Mehala   •   March 31, 2023
auto_awesome General

Techniques, Types, & Applications of Image Processing

Digital image processing is becoming more prevalent as time passes and new technologies emerge. It is growing in almost every sector and putting a live effect on things.

perm_identity Shanth Babu   •   October 17, 2022
auto_awesome General

How to Apply Artificial Intelligence to Solve Business Problems

AI is the best business partner: If you're wondering what all the excitement is about AI, you should realize that it can take things that humans would ordinarily find impossible and make them possible.

perm_identity Shanth Babu   •   October 17, 2022
auto_awesome General

Top 5 E-commerce Website Design Best Practices 2022

E-commerce website design best practices 2022. In this blog we have given important tips to follow while you creating or redesigning your Ecommerce website.

perm_identity Shanth Babu   •   July 19, 2022
auto_awesome Design

Cloud Computing in Healthcare 2022 and Beyond

The healthcare industry is undergoing a rapid change. Thanks to technological advancements, doctors can now diagnose patients without ever seeing a patient face to face.

perm_identity Shanth Babu   •   June 17, 2022
auto_awesome Development

How to Effectively Automate Tests in the DevOps Lifecycle

In today’s fast-paced world, businesses need to continuously innovate to meet the ever changing customer expectations. Traditional software development models like waterfall are now a history.

perm_identity Shanth Babu   •   June 17, 2022
auto_awesome Development